uNaice and the Text Robot
in the media
Press reviews and professional articles
uNaice and the Text Robot are often
the focus of relevant media coverage.

Interview on the topic"Automated text production"
(…) Matthias Weber in conversation with Christian Meyer, Managing Director of uNaice, on the topic of “Automated Text Production“. We asked Christian Meyer 3 questions about automated text production. Read his answers here: (…)

How this Werther-based company scores with employees
(…) Werther. „You know it as a parent. Basically, working mothers and fathers always lead a torn existence,” says Andreas Wenninger. The managing partner of the Werther-based company uNaice speaks from experience. He has two children, seven and ten years old. (…)

Text automation in e-commerce
(…) “In this context, high-quality product descriptions are very important to inform customers and prospects and to support them in their personal purchase decision,” says Christian Meyer, Managing Director of uNaice GmbH.
With automated text creation, a total of 75 percent of working time can be saved (…)

Automated content - a solution for e-commerce companies
Fit for the market
(…) In the possible use cases for automated content, text robots process structured data. They have certain guidelines on the structure of the texts and semantics, so they can create a natural language article. For this purpose, in the Company blog of uNaice GmbH in the article “Tips & tricks for good product texts: How to optimize your product data”. (…)

How automatically generated texts in e-commerce boost sales
(…) The text robot has very specific requirements, so that data preparation is necessary in most companies.
The articleTips and tricks for good product texts: How to optimize your product dataspandes company blogs of uNaice GmbH provides more information on this.(…)

How text robots are taking e-commerce to the next level
(…)Particularly interesting is the text robot to Translations of the individual product texts be prepared. Previously, it took months to translate an online store into another language to enter a foreign market.
Today, it will only take a few more weeks to get there. (…)

Automated content: What text robots can already do today
(…) Good product texts are not only appreciated by customers. Search engines also reward texts with added value, which affects the visibility of online stores. The text robot is not only suitable for product descriptions or category pages for text creation. Wherever data is available, text robots can create relevant content. (…)

Text Robots are writing for Online Shops ('Text Robots are writing for Online Shops')
(…) The automatic text generation offers many advantages: “Our customers receive detailed information about the products and at the same time a classification, which gives them orientation when buying.
In addition, our products have increased relevance for search engines because of the product descriptions,” explains Franziska Knabel, who is responsible for the text robot in e-commerce. (…)

Automatisierte Texterstellung für Onlineshops: So einfach geht's ('Automatic Text Generation for Online Shops: How easy it really is')
(…)”In companies like agencies, the hybrid newsroom, where humans and machines work together, will be the model of the future.
Today’s content marketing will provide new impulses, forms and content for us through automated processes,” says AX-Semantics CEO Saim Alkan. (…)

The automated Text Robot from uNaice ('The automated Text Robot from uNaice')
(…) Set up a newsfeed once, have individual introductory texts programmed – and then automatically always have fresh, up-to-date content on website and social media profiles?
This now works with the new news stream from uNaice. (…)

AI-Generated Reports Are the Write Stuff
Innovation Enterprise
(…) Enter artificial intelligence-generated writing solutions that can present a narrative to complement all those numbers and charts.
These products drill-down into ab organization’s database and auto-produce easy-to-understand, written reports from the same data that Microsoft Excel uses to generate graphics. (…)

E-Commerce: How Text Robots can create content for your shop
(…) The copywriters at Schäfer Shop who work with the uNaice text robot are satisfied with their new colleague so far.
“The time required to create high-quality texts is now significantly less,” explains Jörg Gregorec. (…)

Textrobots: What can automatically created texts do? (Text robots: What can automatically created texts do?)
Heise RegioConcept
(…) “Do you recognize the text robot?” asks uNaice, one of the major text automation providers, (…)
Only for the professional copywriter, a tiny carelessness in craftsmanship betrays the robotic text at the end, which otherwise seems even more sophisticated. (…)

E-Commerce: How Text Robots can create content for your shop
(…) But the text robot can also generate alternative texts: so that the texts are not all uniform, the system can use rules and synonyms to vary the wording and constructions – and additionally check which variant brings the best conversion on the basis of A/B tests. (…)

How automated content can accelerate the expansion of eCommerce
(…) And that’s where the topic of text robotics comes in. Hard to believe, but true! Thanks to the advanced technology of our engine, rules are applied that allow even complex interpretations. By the way, our text robot is the only machine that can do this. (…)

Text Robot in E-Commerce: Otto employs an algorithm as an author
(…) “We believe that text robots in the area of product descriptions are the future in e-commerce,” says Patrick Zackert, Product Manager E-Commerce at Otto and Otto Specialty Shops. Mainly because the machine is superior to humans in many ways. (…)

(Human) + Machine = Text Robot in Marketing
Labor Digital
(…) This enables optimized, target group-oriented and individually adapted communication with the company’s own customers. Another plus point is that text robots are already capable of writing content in multiple languages – which saves an enormous amount of time and money. (…)

The new copywriters: AI (Artificial Intelligence)
Conversion Boosting
(…) And that’s where the topic of text robotics comes in. Hard to believe, but true! Thanks to the advanced technology of our engine, rules are applied that allow even complex interpretations. By the way, our text robot is the only machine that can do this. (…)

How Text Robots facilitate marketing work
(…) In the field of e-commerce, therefore, so-called text robots – (digital) solutions that automatically create texts based on available databases and sources, for example – are increasingly being found. The advantage here is speed: Hundreds of thousands of articles can be created within 60 minutes, content can be(…)

Automated Text Creation: You can't tell the difference
Heise c't
(…) Algorithms write faster and cheaper than humans. However, their main advantage is: they can dynamically adapt their texts to the readers. This will change online retail faster than journalism. (…) the software is changing other industries – for example, retail. (…)

Four use cases for automated text generation
Banking Hub
(…) automatic text generation using artificial intelligence. This software is already used in numerous applications and processes, such as financial reports, credit processes, contract generation, customer support, and enterprise risk management. (…)

How Text Robots make life easier for eTail
Cloud Magazin
(…) Text robots as a tool for e-commerce: A multi-month online survey by uNaice revealed that lack of time was the most frequently cited reason why online store operators shy away from creating their own content. (…)

The automated News Stream in action at Pionierfabrik
(…) What advice do you give to people who are interested in an automated news stream? “Implement immediately and gain experience. The automated news stream is a MUST-HAVE for us in digital marketing & sales! Incidentally, you can then unsubscribe from their newsletters,(…)”

Automatically created text: Less writing work through the use of a Text Robot
(…) According to the survey, for one-third of respondents, time is a key hurdle in content production. In second place comes cost: one-fifth of the survey participants see the greatest difficulty here. So-called text robots can help. (…)”

Robot Journalism: What happens when machines are reporting
(…) Automatically generated media content is already present in news coverage. Text robots have become journalists. (…) Readers can hardly tell the difference between texts written by humans and those written by machines. (…)

Otto, Zalando and RTL: Text Robot from Werther supplies big players
Haller Kreisblatt
(…) The classic place of use for its text robots is in the digital world and especially in online retail, where product data is teeming. The robots are fed with information such as material, size, color, power consumption or speed. The result: (…)

uNaice relies on completely digitalised content creation
(…) “We make more out of your product data” is uNaice’s core promise. With its text robot, the startup can (…)
(…) “The primary aim is to provide interested parties with all the relevant information that will lead to an impulse to buy.” (…)

Robot journalism: Cold coffee - boiled up
(…) Three of the consultants present liked the idea of using the possibilities of robot journalism and having texts created automatically in the future. The first projects emerged. For example, a start-up consultant would like to have his weblog written largely by the text robot in the future. (…)

Literature and KI' : Reason is also a matter of the heart
Frankfurter Allgemeine
(…) Frank Feulner, leading head of the writing software developer AX Semantics, states that you only have to tell an algorithm what goal it should analyze the data for; in the future, this will also apply to narrative texts. Like: Make the reader cry. Such goals could be tested soon. (…)

Five Ways Content Generation Software is Helping Businesses
(…) The technology that provides these capabilities is known as content generation software. It’s quietly changing how businesses grow and interact with customers, as well as writing the bulk of written content filling their websites.
Content generation is the latest evolution in the history of the written word (…)