References & Text Robot Cases

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Product descriptions

Conversion up, returns down – with first-class product descriptions
Writing product descriptions manually was yesterday. Accelerate your business and automate the content production process.
Let our text robot write variant-rich, SEO-relevant texts in your desired ductus, tonality and language style within seconds. On request, in 110 different languages at the same time.
Open up further output channels and provide marketplaces from Amazon to Zalando with unique product descriptions that are tailor-made for your buyer persona.
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Category page introductions

The SEO turbo: Always up-to-date and individual text for category pages
Good category page descriptions provide more visibility for your online shop. The problem with this: the enormously high maintenance effort due to permanently changing assortments and changing requirements on the part of the search engines.
With a Text Robot, the dream of every SEO manager will now come true: permanent adaptation and optimisation of all category pages at the touch of a button or fully automatically. Seasonal or trend-driven category pages are now a breeze.
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Category pages from keywords

Unique, individual and SEO-relevant category descriptions
Writing first-class category descriptions manually is a time-consuming, expensive and error-prone process.
The Text Robot can even generate first-class category page text in many variants from your keywords. All texts follow your desired linguistic style, ductus and tonality – just the way you want it to be for your brand.
And best of all, all copies can be generated in up to 110 languages at the same speed. Nothing more stands in the way of rapid internationalization.
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Football results
Sports coverage at the touch of a button
When it comes to sports news, it has to be fast. Online portals that shine with topicality will become a crowd-puller. But the challenges of doing so are clear: the manual process is time-consuming, not scalable, and a tedious job for an editor.
Coupled with the short half-life of this news, this type of reporting seems questionable for many portal operators as a result.
That’s why: Get a text robot on the team. He never gets tired and is lightning fast!
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Hyperlocal weather news? No problem!
High-resolution weather data with standard values such as temperature, humidity and wind are the basis for simple, quickly updated and accurate weather news.
But that’s not all: hundreds of other measurement data allow customised weather reports for countless fields of application – be it for the operation of solar plants or wind power plants.
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Automated directions in German and English
At the touch of a button, a detailed route description to the branch of a supermarket chain is created. Public transport, parking tips and service information, such as the presence of a bicycle rack – no problem at all. Using the Text Robot, hundreds of supermarkets can be automatically supplied with directions. And on top of that, the SEO team is happy about more unique content.
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Why working with uNaice as a certified AX-Semantics partner?
Activation of all offered licenses
Complete project implementation from a single source
All around data preparation and data models
trained translator network for all languages
individual solutions like category page descriptions and much more

Frequently Asked Questions
Am I able to determine the structure of the generated copies?
Yes, absolutely. Headline, intermediate headings, text markup (bold, italic, etc.) or bullet points anywhere in the text – there are no restrictions regarding the structural layout of a copy.
Is a Data Check always necessary before starting?
Yes. This way, we ensure in advance that your data is machine-readable and thus usable for automated text generation. In addition, this is the only way we can get a clear estimate of the effort required for the configuration of the Text Robot.
What exactly is a Data Cluster?
A Data Cluster is a grouping of similar attributes (e.g. weight, color, etc.) that exists across several categories. We use Data Clusters to elevate scalabilty when configuring the Text Robot.
Will the generated copies sound the way I want them to?
Yes. The Text Robot will be configured the way you request it so that the generated descriptions match your preferred language style. Only when you say, “I couldn’t have written it better, that’s exactly how I want my texts to sound,” are we satisfied.
Will I receive support if my data doesn’t match the quality requirements?
Yes. Our data check includes a clear maintenance recommendation for your data. This way you know where rework is needed. You can either do it yourself or we can help you with Data Studio.
Can more attributes be added over time?
Yes. In this way, the descriptions can be effectively expanded in order to achieve even better results regarding conversion and SEO. Also, data from secondary sources can be used (e.g. product ratings, weather data, etc.).
Are the copies in other languages absolutely error-free?
Yes. We provide a one-time translation of the configured and programmed sentence templates by a native speaker. This ensures that the copies in other languages will have the same quality as the original language. You’ll never need translators again!
What kind of content can be created with the Text Robot?
The possibilities of use are almost endless. Only structured data is needed as input. Common applications include product descriptions, category descriptions, personalized emails, reportings, etc.
Can the Text Robot generate multiple text variations?
Yes. This is one of the many advantages of the Text Robot. Simply create as many unique text variants as you need for your output channels (own shop, marketplaces, email, catalogues, social media etc.).
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